Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mmm! Mince Pies

I've been a bad dog!
I just smelt these delicious mince pies and couldn't resist sampling one.
It was so nice I couldn't help but going back for another.
and another.
and another.

Christmas Party

Hi again,
I've just been to an xmas dog party!
It was great, we played sausage races, pass the delicious-smelling parcel, but I won the musical mats!!!
And I got a bag of treats for it!
Woof for now

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I just hate cats! Just today one of them was sitting in a corridor and as I walked past it tried to scratch me. There are two of them; one orange, one black and white, and I dont like either of them. To get my own back on them I ate their dinner, but my owner wasn't too happy! Woof!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Hey, I've just found a picture of me with my brothers and sisters when I was but a little puppy! I'm the one where you can only see the head!


Wow! that was fun! I just chased a squirrel up a tree! Woof!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hi again
My favourite ever sport is.....Agility! Yes, thats right, the one with the jumps and tunnels. I go and meet lots of dogs and have fun seeing how fast I can complete courses. But it's not just me whose learning, my owner is too. Bark!

This is me!

Here's a bit about my life so far:

I was born in 2005, in Tunbridge wells, Kent, from Poppy (Pinleygreen Juliet) and Gavin (International Champion Montelle famous star(What a Title!)) in a litter with 2 brothers and 4 sisters. I lived for the first part of my life there, but then was taken by some strange people up to Leicestershire. I soon got used to it there; nice food, big garden, great owners, in fact the only bad thing was the two cats that got there first. It's been great since then, I learn obedience, do agility, go for walks, see my flatcoat retriever cousins, but I hate going to the vets.
All in all, its a great life! (I resisted from saying a dog's life!)


Hi, I've just set up my barkingly good blog. It's all about my life so far in the middle of England, where I've been and what I've got up to.